HBC Dress Policy

For anyone serving in a visible and/or leadership role and in all music ministry positions for scheduled services and events at HBC.

Purposes for establishing these regulations

  1. For members serving in these positions to demonstrate respect and reverence to God, and reflect appropriateness, godliness, and modesty.
  2. To demonstrate love and respect for fellow believers by carefully avoiding being a source of temptation or an offence to them.
  3. To prevent the recipients of our ministry from being distracted and hindered from a proper mental focus while we minister to them.


Men (13 & up)

  • Full length pants (no demin)
  • Front button polo or dress shirts. Sweaters are acceptable. (No t-shirts)
  • Shoes and socks
  • Jewelry
    • No pierced jewelry
    • No necklaces on outside of clothing

Women (13 & up)

  • Skirt or dress is required
    • Must completely cover the knee while standing or sitting
    • Any slits must stop at the knee
  • Top (pertains to blouse or dress)
    • Must cover cleavage completely while standing, sitting, or bending over
    • The back neck line must be above the shoulders
  • Snugness of fit for skirt, dress, blouse, or top:
    • Not form-fitting, or body hugging
    • Must drape and not cling
    • No exposed midriff
    • Nothing see-through

Disclaimer: This policy cannot cover every possible situation. Other obviously distracting, immodest or giving-a-wrong-message type of attire will also be prohibited.

Dealing with non-compliance

  • A member in violation will not be allowed to function in the ministry position during the specific church service or event for which he/she has arrived.
  • If there is a repetitive pattern of non-compliance or a pushing-of-the-line of the regulations by an individual, that individual will be specifically addressed and informed that he/she may no longer serve in the ministry position or positions to which the dress code pertains.
  • Upon repentance and the demonstration of a genuine change of heart, permission may be granted to again serve in the same or similar service capacity which was lost. Such permission may only be given by the pastor or associate pastor.


Within the bounds of modesty, these dress regulations will not be required for some church services or events concerning which different dress/attire regulations may be deemed appropriate. The different regulations in such cases will be communicated to the affected persons by the person in charge of the particular service or event.